Josine Backus
Advisor - Focal Countries | Brazil
j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

Brazil: Memorandum of Understanding on documentary heritage

The MoU was signed by Mrs. Helena Porto Severo da Costa (President BN), Mr. Bert de Vries (Director ACA) and Mr. Marens Engelhard (Director NAN and National Archivist) (photos: BN, ACA & NAN).

Brazil: Memorandum of Understanding on documentary heritage

Agreements have been made about future cooperation on documentary heritage of the Brazilian colonial period.

Shared history

The Brazilian National Library (BN), the Amsterdam City Archives (ACA) and the National Archives of the Netherlands (NAN) agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding to bring about projects and activities aimed at improving the accessibility of the (Dutch) records related to the Dutch presence in Brazil. This agreement is aimed at expanding public access to these important historical holdings through digitisation, transcribing and online publication of archives. By doing so, the parties hope to stimulate research on the Brazilian-Dutch history and to enrich the perspectives on our shared past.

Nova Holanda

From 1630 to 1654, the Dutch West India Company (WIC) occupied the north-eastern portion of Brazil and established a colony known as 'Dutch Brazil', or 'New Holland' (Nova Holanda), with Recife as its capital. Within the context of the Shared Cultural Heritage Programme, the National Archives of the Netherlands seeks international cooperation with archival institutions in countries with which the Netherlands shares a history, in order to preserve the archival traces of this past and make them accessible (online) for researchers worldwide.

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