Call for applications: Short Course on Urban Heritage Strategies for World Heritage Cities

Street view of Paramaribo (photo: L. Tangel 1997, Collection Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands).

Call for applications: Short Course on Urban Heritage Strategies for World Heritage Cities

A summer course in two parts for urban heritage and planning professionals (2020/2021).

How do I revive the historic centre of my city? How can I use cultural heritage to achieve this goal? And conversely, what new impulses and future perspectives can this valued heritage be offered? These are the questions that many urban planners worldwide are struggling with. These same questions are central to the Urban Heritage Strategies summer course, which will be offered for the sixth time this year. The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) organises this course in close collaboration with the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Delft University of Technology.

The focus of this edition

This edition will focus on the four world heritage cities of Paramaribo (Suriname), Willemstad (Curaçao), Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) and Sawahlunto (Indonesia), which are located in four of the partner countries of the Shared Cultural Heritage programme. The 20 participants, selected on the basis of their involvement in the urban development of these cities, will contribute with their own cases and experiences. The course intends to serve current local issues.

Adaptions due to current situation

Due to the current situation surrounding covid-19, this year the course will be divided in two parts. The first part will be offered remotely (online), and is mainly aimed at knowledge transfer. Nevertheless, this online element of the course will also include practical skills and network building. The follow-up and second part will take place “face-to-face” in the summer of 2021 in Rotterdam. Practical skills and network building will then be central. Participants will conclude the course with a strategic plan for development of their own World Heritage City.

For more information and registration, please see:

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