Indonesia: Heritage in Transition exhibition

Indonesia: Heritage in Transition exhibition

On 19 November 'Heritage in Transition’, an exhibition about the people living in the historical inner city of Jakarta, opens in Kota Tua.

'Heritage in Transition' can be visited at Gedung Tjipta Niaga in Jalan Kalibesar III in Kota Tua, Jakarta and tells the story of the area’s revitalisation from a social perspective. In addition to the exhibition there will be a book of photos that also covers Semarang, where similar developments are taking place.

Isabelle Boon is a photographer from Rotterdam. Her specific interest is the small details of everyday life. How people make a living, run a home, spend their days off – all of these daily activities tell a lot about people and their social (and sometimes historical) context. She studied photography in Utrecht. Her previous exhibitions include the World Expo Milan in 2015.

Find more information about the photographer here. The 'Heritage in Transition' project recieved a financial contribution from the Shared Cultural Heritage Matching Fund.